Motor activity plays a very important role in a child's development. It forms the human body and its functions, affects proper physical, mental and social development. Through movement and own activity, the child forms independence, gets to know the world around him, gains experience, develops memory and attention.


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In order to take care of the health of small children, we cannot prohibit the child from running, jumping or other physical activities. During free motor activity, the child gets to know the surrounding world, the environment, objects or phenomena, and also forms memory and concentration.

Additional physical activity:

affects the development of all motor functions and motor skills,
strengthens muscles, joints and bones,
increases lung capacity,
has a positive effect on the movement of blood and oxygen,
strengthens the work of the heart.

In addition, the child naturally learns to overcome difficulties and control his emotions by achieving his first successes or failures. Motor activity is also related to the formation of relationships with other children. During the game, the child learns to behave prosocially and work with others, being in a group.

The pyramid of motor activity for children shows that for the proper development of the child, it is necessary to take care of daily walks and motor activity on the playground or in the fresh air. Several times a week, plan different types of physical recreation for the child, for example, playing with a ball, riding a bicycle, scooter or rollerblades. It is also important to perform strength and endurance exercises 2-3 times a week, for example, dancing, swimming or martial arts.

Provide your child with an appropriate, stimulating environment that encourages physical activity. Make sure that your child has such sports accessories that will encourage children to actively participate in sports. On the website of the educational store Mental there is a whole category of sports goods.