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Binomial cube MENTAL

SKU: 3535492983

Binomial cube MENTAL

The Montessori binomial cube is an educational tool used to develop sensory and logical abilities in children. The set includes a box with a control image on the lid, inside which there are 8 prisms and cubes with multi-colored faces.

The main task is to make a correct cube in the form of a hexagon in two layers from different elements. All faces of the cube must coincide with the control image on the cover. This task encourages the child to develop his thinking, ability to analyze and draw conclusions. She will learn to assemble a large object from different elements that are not similar to each other.

The process of assembling the cube includes the following stages:

1. The teacher demonstrates how to correctly assemble a cube in two layers, emphasizing the correspondence of color and size. He also notes that all faces of the cube must match the control image.

2. The child builds the structure independently, based on the teacher's prompts and a control image. At this stage, she learns to match color and size, to separate correct elements from incorrect ones. It promotes the development of thinking, logic and analysis. Gradually, the child will be able to collect the cube without help and even with closed eyes, which is an important stage in the development of motor skills and logical thinking.

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Stock In stock
Price 374.00
SKU 3535492983
Name Binomial cube MENTAL
Section Development of logical thinking and memory
Additional sections Educational tools, Preschool and early education, Development of emotional and social maturity, Montessori aids
We are working MENTAL

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