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Hand massage

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Devices and accessories for massage, training and rehabilitation of children's hands

Massage and training of the child's hands are extremely important, as they are closely related to the development of the baby's speech. Therefore, in our online store there are devices for massage and hand training in many interesting options. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the prepared offer to choose the options that best suit your needs.

We sell sets of balls with different structures and surfaces. Multi-colored balls are great for tactile exercises, hand massage, and more. The products are made of safe material, and the bag for their storage closes with Velcro. Another suggestion is gel combs or starfish designed for dexterity and motor function training as well as manual therapy. They definitely improve grip function and always return to their original shape. In addition, they have anti-stress properties.

In addition, our rich offer includes other devices for rehabilitation and hand exercises, which are available at favorable prices. We focus primarily on the highest quality of the offered products, which are created taking into account the needs of people who need proper hand training - both children of different ages and the elderly.

In addition, we have pens for training the muscles of the back, forearm and hand, fluffy balls or double balls filled with small colorful balls. We encourage you to use the services we provide.


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