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Dry pools with

Dry pools with balls for the development of sensory integration in children

Dry pools with balls for children are becoming an increasingly popular entertainment that parents provide for their children. A few years ago, children could only play on special playgrounds, now every parent can buy a dry pool with balls for their children. It will be perfect at home and will be used in rooms with a small area. Dry pools are primarily safe due to materials such as the foam they are made of, and importantly, they provide tons of fun and many hours of fantastic fun. The balls have such dimensions that a child can play with them safely.

Children love soft multi-colored balls, thanks to them they easily learn to distinguish and name colors, stimulate their curiosity. Even several children can successfully use such a pool. Dry pools with balls have many advantages in terms of a child's development, babies train their muscles from an early age, you can safely jump or dive in them. Such a pool is a good investment, because it will serve the child for many years, it is equally good for both a two-year-old child and a preschooler. In addition, they can also prove to be a very useful tool for rehabilitation purposes. Dry pools for sensory therapy effectively support the treatment of sensory integration disorders. Children develop motor skills and can practice hand-eye coordination.

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