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Robot exerciser for hand and fingers MENTAL. Rehabilitation of the left hand.

SKU: 3535492821

Robot exerciser for hand and fingers MENTAL.  Rehabilitation of the left hand.

The exercise glove automatically bends and unbends the fingers, designed for rehabilitation and strengthening of hand muscles. This simulator is available for both hands in different sizes, which makes it convenient for use by different categories of patients.

It allows you to adjust the intensity, speed of exercises and the number of fingers involved, controlling through the display of the device or a second "mirror" glove. The simulator is indicated for use in rheumatic diseases, joint dystrophy, rehabilitation after a stroke and other diseases.

To start the exercise, you need to put the training glove on your hand, insert the hose into the system unit and press the power button. After that, air is supplied through the hose into the glove, which causes the fingers to contract, and then is pumped out, spreading them.

Due to the presence of various training modes and the ability to adjust the intensity of exercises, this simulator becomes an effective tool for improving the functional condition of the hands and rehabilitating patients with various diseases.

Complete set:

  • rehabilitation glove
  • "mirror" glove (on the other hand)
  • system unit
  • charger for system unit and "mirror" glove
  • expander ball
  • replaceable hose nozzle
Product size Learn more about size
S 162
M 180*85mm
L 200*89mm
XL 220*95mm
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Stock In stock
Price 13334.00
SKU 3535492821
Name Robot exerciser for hand and fingers MENTAL. Rehabilitation of the left hand.
Section Rehabilitation
Additional sections Inclusive education, Dyslexia, dysgraphia, Sensory integration, Disorders of tactile perception, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation simulators

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