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Steam locomotive "Malyatko" MENTAL

SKU: 3535492941

Steam locomotive "Malyatko" MENTAL

The fantasy children's game complex is a bright locomotive, created from waterproof plywood, boards and beams covered with two layers of special paint. This game complex is designed for the development of children's dexterity, strength and strengthening of the vestibular apparatus. It is ideal for use by children of any age and allows each of them to find their passion in the game.

The main goal of this game complex is to stimulate children to active rest and perform various physical exercises, without even realizing it. Here children can play, move and develop while maintaining their health.

The complex can be used for both private and public use on open playgrounds for children aged 6 to 12 years. To ensure the safety of use, it is recommended to follow the specified rules and place the game complex at a distance of 1.5 m from other objects. It is also important to avoid operating in adverse weather conditions to avoid possible injuries to the child.

Our products are created using materials of the highest quality and reliability:

- Metal pipes of different diameters (originating from Ukraine)
- Moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 9 to 18 mm (made of birch wood, Ukraine)
- Glued pine timber (grown in Ukraine)
- Dry pine board (originates from Ukraine)
- Stainless steel (supplied from Belgium)
- Galvanized fastening (made in Ukraine and Poland)

Before painting, all metal products are primed and then covered with two layers of special safe paint from an Italian manufacturer. All wooden parts are covered with two layers of special safe paint for outdoor use, which is supplied from Austria. In addition, all fasteners are equipped with special plastic plugs for safety.

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Stock In stock
Price 77483.00
SKU 3535492941
Name Steam locomotive "Malyatko" MENTAL
Section Playhouses, garden vehicles for children
Additional sections Playgrounds, Kindergarten, Walking accessories for kindergarten, Carousels, Playhouses, garden vehicles for children, Garden toys for children
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