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Board game "My City" MENTAL

SKU: 3535493004

Board game "My City" MENTAL

After hibernation, the world comes alive, and it's time to take the city to a new level! In the game "My City", each player becomes the architect of his own city, where dreams of beautiful buildings become reality. It is easy and interesting to play, ideal for the whole family or a group of friends.

Each participant receives his own field for the development of the city and two starting cards with buildings. The rest of the buildings are located in the general market in five different categories. On his turn, a player chooses a building from his hand and places it on his field, then draws a new card from the market with the same category.

Each building built earns the player victory points depending on the conditions on the card. At the end of the game, the winner is the one who developed his city the best and scored the most points. The game ends when the building cards run out in two or three categories in the market.

"My City" is a great family game without aggression and military conflicts. It will contribute to the development of creative thinking and strategic planning. Build your perfect city and share the joy of creating beauty with your friends!

Complete set of the board game "My City (My City)":

  • 1 playing field - city square
  • 4 two-sided player playing fields
  • 4 bonus tokens
  • 1 marker of the first player
  • 65 cards with construction objects (13 of each category)
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Stock In stock
Price 679.00
SKU 3535493004
Name Board game "My City" MENTAL
Section Board games, evening games
Additional sections Toys, constructors, Emotional and social development, Development of senses, Visual perception, Tactile perception, Arcade games for children, Board games, evening games
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