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Safe playgrounds for kindergartens

The playground in the kindergarten is not only a place that children love, but also an opportunity for them to develop properly. The preschool period is a stage of particularly intensive development of the child in this regard, playgrounds for kindergartens with means that allow you to exercise the sense of balance, muscles, the cooperation of both hemispheres of the brain and the development of fine and gross motor skills are therefore a necessary place for educational institutions. All these skills affect the harmonious development of the child in the following stages of his life. Prepares them to learn to read and write at school. In turn, tools such as ladders, ropes and walls allow children, in addition to climbing exercises, to learn to plan, assess risks and develop self-confidence. Then it is not surprising that on warm days the little one dreams of leaving the room and going to the playground. Kindergarten that educates them is a vehicle that prepares them well for the next stages of learning.

Ready-made playgrounds offered by our online store are proven, high-quality tools that allow children to play actively and develop proper motor skills. Their great advantage is not only the favorable price, but above all the approval and safety certificates that guarantee that children can use them. The Mental offer includes equipment for playgrounds that develop fitness, eco-playgrounds - made of natural materials used in Montessori pedagogy, as well as playgrounds characterized by exceptionally intense colors - ideal for attracting children's attention. Swings, carousels, climbing frames,

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer of the Mental store.


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