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Set for building a fort MENTAL

SKU: 835354928231

Set for building a fort MENTAL

Create your own dream fort with our construction set! Simply connect the tubes together and then cover them with a blanket - and your fort or hut is ready for exciting adventures.

In the set:
45 tubes
25 connectors
A step-by-step guide that shows you how to build everything from a castle to a super-cool tent!

Tubes are 41 cm long

Recommended age: 4 - 11 years old

Dimensions (LxWxH): 45.8 x 26.2 x 13.4 cm
Weight: 2.62 kg

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Stock In stock
Price 3535.00
SKU 835354928231
Name Set for building a fort MENTAL
Section Toys, constructors
Additional sections Toys, constructors, Kindergarten, Fun and games , Fine motor skills, toys
We are working MENTAL

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