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Children's dry pool "Whale MENTAL" without balls

SKU: 3535492889

Children's dry pool "Whale MENTAL" without balls

A dry pool is a safe and comfortable play area for children of all ages. It consists of soft modules covered with high-quality furniture fabric, which ensures comfort and safety during the game. Soft sides and bottom reduce the risk of injuries to a minimum, which allows kids to enjoy the game, and parents to be calm about their safety.

The dimensions of the dry pool are 1.5x1.5x0.45 meters, with a side thickness of 10 centimeters. This compact size is ideal for use indoors or outdoors.

The materials used, such as high-quality foam, PVC fabric and artificial leather, ensure durability, wear resistance and water-repellent properties. Zippers and fasteners allow easy removal and cleaning of pool parts.

This dry pool is ideal for fun and development of the child, ensuring safe and comfortable play at any time.

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Stock In stock
Price 8650.00
SKU 3535492889
Name Children's dry pool "Whale MENTAL" without balls
Section Dry pools with balls
Additional sections Sports, Sensory integration, Sensory integration, Soft rehabilitation modules, Dry pools with balls, Multisensory rooms in kindergarten, Dry pools with balls for children, Small sports halls for children
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