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Children's complex complex Masyanya Buratino MENTAL

SKU: 353543159

Children's complex complex Masyanya Buratino MENTAL

Children's game complex "Masyanya Buratino" from the manufacturer MENTAL is a colorful and fun complex that will be a great tool for the development of your child from 1 to 6 years old. One of its main advantages is the possibility of folding it in the form of a "book", which allows you to store it conveniently and economically.

This complex not only entertains children, but also contributes to their healthy physical and psychological development. From the first steps to the moment when the child already knows how to climb, he finds unique opportunities for the development of motor skills, coordination of movements and formation of the correct posture. Playing on this complex helps to strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, chest, back, spine and abdominal press, and also teaches the child to understand and feel his body in space.

In addition, this complex promotes the child's intellectual development, stimulates his creativity and imagination. It creates comfortable conditions for playing at home, occupying a minimum of space - only 1.5 meters. At the same time, if the need arises, it is easy to fold and hide, freeing up space for other needs.

Therefore, the children's game complex "Masyanya Buratino" is not only a tool for entertainment, but also a powerful tool for the development of your child, which will provide him with health, activity and positive emotions.

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Stock In stock
Price 6985.00
SKU 353543159
Name Children's complex complex Masyanya Buratino MENTAL
Section Ladders, climbing devices
Additional sections Children's playgrounds, Playgrounds, Kindergarten, Children's slides, Children's swing, Children's carousels, Children's playgrounds by collection, Swings for children, Children's garden slides
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