NUS 5-6th grade: Discount with promo code NUSMENTAL - 5%
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Mosaic "Tangram" 7 elements 16x16 cm MENTAL

SKU: а83535492822752

Mosaic "Tangram" 7 elements 16x16 cm MENTAL

The Tangram toy develops imagination, fine motor skills, coordination of movements, eye contact, perseverance, concentration, trains analysis and helps to learn colours. With its help, a child can create a variety of shapes. The history of this game dates back to 1813, when it was first mentioned in a Chinese book. With the help of seven pieces, you can create different outlines of people, animals, numbers, letters and other shapes using all parts of the tangram.

The material is high-quality wood, painted with bright, durable, European water-based paints.

The coloured elements are painted on both sides and are 6 mm thick.

The tangram measures 16x16x1.5 cm and comes with an instruction booklet and colourful pictures. This toy is fully in line with the concept of the New Ukrainian School.

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