NUS 5-6th grade: Discount with promo code NUSMENTAL - 5%
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Biology "Optimal" MENTAL

SKU: а83535492822968

Biology "Optimal" MENTAL

We offer you to purchase the Optimal set for the biology classroom in the New Ukrainian School (NUS), which is equipped in accordance with the current recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for studying biology in grades 5-6. 

The Optimal set for the biology classroom includes:

- Various educational collections, models, sets of micro preparations and a biological microscope for conducting interesting and diverse experiments.

In addition, the "Optimal" set includes:

- Different types of flowering plants.
- A device for detecting respiratory gas exchange in plants.
- Slides and cover slips.
- Tripod and school magnifying glasses.
- Psychometric hygrometer and hourglass.
- Liquid thermometer.
- Laboratory tripod.
- Posters on banner fabric with the themes "Evolution of the plant world" and "Life cycle of a plant of the department of angiosperms".
- Various herbaria and seed collections, including medicinal plants, fungi and cereals.
- Stand "Safety instructions in the biology classroom".
- Vernier mobile weather station.

This set contains everything necessary to create a modern learning environment and provide conditions for studying the natural sciences at the New Ukrainian School. Models, collections, instruments and laboratory glassware can be used not only in biology lessons, but also for practical classes in other subjects.

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Stock In stock
Price 90325.00
SKU а83535492822968
Name Biology "Optimal" MENTAL
Section Biology 5-6 grade
Additional sections Biology 5-6 grade, Biology, Herbariums and collections, NUSH 5-6 CLASS

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