NUS 5-6th grade: Discount with promo code NUSMENTAL - 5%
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Children's trampoline with net and ladder MENTAL.

SKU: 3535492841

Дитячий батут з сіткою і драбинкою МЕНТАЛ.


Trampoline MENTAL with external net and ladder is a high-quality sports game complex, created for safe and exciting activities in the fresh air. Made of durable, UV-resistant materials, this trampoline guarantees a long service life and reliability in use.

Key features and benefits of this trampoline include:
- High safety for users thanks to the design that protects against possible injuries.
- Compliance with safety standards established in the European Union provides an additional level of protection during operation.
- A convenient ladder allows easy and safe climbing on the trampoline.
- Improved physical and psychological benefits from exercise, including improved fitness, circulation, calorie burn, lung function, appearance and general well-being.
- The presence of gloves as a gift adds additional comfort and pleasure during classes.

Trampoline MENTAL is an ideal choice for the whole family to actively spend time in the fresh air, while providing quality rest and usefulness for health and fitness.

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Stock In stock
Price 5129.00
SKU 3535492841
Name Children's trampoline with net and ladder MENTAL.
Section Arrangement of gyms and game rooms
Additional sections Sports, Arrangement of gyms and game rooms

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