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A child with speech development disorders. Ribtsun Y.V. MENTAL

SKU: 8353549282202

A child with speech development disorders. Ribtsun Y.V. MENTAL

This book is an indispensable resource for parents and teachers working with children with speech disorders. The author, Yu. Ribtsun, is a well-known expert in the field of inclusive education. Main topics of the book:
- Children with speech disorders: their needs, opportunities and challenges.
- Inclusive education: how to help children with speech disorders reach their potential.
- Speech disorders: their definition, impact and treatment. This book is an important tool for understanding children with speech and language impairments and helping them in their education and life.

Publisher: Kangaroo
Product type: inclusive literature
Number of pages: 40
Series of the publisher: inclusive education
Author: Ribtsun Y.V.
Language: Ukrainian
Manufacturer's code: KN881009U
Cover: soft
The size of the package: 165x237 mm
ISBN: 9786170938046
Age: 16+, adults
Material: paper

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Stock In stock
Price 300.00
SKU 8353549282202
Name A child with speech development disorders. Ribtsun Y.V. MENTAL
Section Communication difficulties
Additional sections Inclusive education, Inclusive education, therapy, Communication difficulties, Pedagogical observation, Speech therapy, speech disorders, Teaching children to communicate
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