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Speech development

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Exercises and teaching aids to stimulate the development of speech, communication and language skills

Speech development is a long and complex process. This involves not only learning words, but also understanding complex expressions and abstract meanings such as similes and metaphors. Language is also a communication tool, so children should be taught to use it to talk about their emotions and needs. The process of acquiring language skills should be supported from the first months of a child's life.
Our Mental online store presents professional games, didactic toys and educational aids, the task of which is to develop language and communication skills. They are visually attractive and interesting for the child. Many people wonder how to stimulate speech development in children. Special thematic boards, balls with pictures or colorful cards depicting different subjects can be an excellent help. It is important to encourage the child to talk about what he sees and to tell him about the things and phenomena presented in the materials.
Learning the Ukrainian language in early childhood should be multifaceted. One of the main tasks is the development of the child's vocabulary. The process of memorizing new words will be more effective if the student's attention is involved. Therefore, the aids we offer are adapted to her age and needs. They are developed thematically. For example, they enable the child to learn vocabulary in the field of nature, and also teach to name emotions and feelings. In the process of language education, one should also stimulate the imagination, the sense of cause and effect thinking, which is facilitated by various plots behind the pictures. Using them, the child also practices the ability to formulate speech. She also has the opportunity to ask questions and expand her knowledge in this subject area.
All our proposals are based on psychological knowledge related to the process of child speech development. They can be used in kindergartens and schools, as well as at home.


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