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Workbook "Child's speech. Complete course of preparation for school." From 5 years. MENTAL

SKU: 3535493052

Workbook "Child's speech. Complete course of preparation for school." From 5 years. MENTAL

The "Child's Speech" school preparation course includes educational workbooks based on advanced methods of speech therapy by Volkov and methods developed by V. Fedienko for preschoolers. These notebooks are the result of years of practice in preschool educational institutions and are proven to be effective.

Methodical materials are thematically divided and include various tasks aimed at developing the child's speech and familiarizing him with the basics of the phonetics of the Ukrainian language. In the process of working with notebooks, children not only practice speaking skills, but also learn the concepts of "syllable", "stress" and "sound", which contributes to their comprehensive development before entering school.

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