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Notebook "Let's speak correctly. Let's work on our Ж-Ш" MENTAL

SKU: 3535493093

Notebook "Let's speak correctly. Let's work on our Ж-Ш" MENTAL

The notebook "Speaking correctly. Practicing Ж-Ш" is an educational material created to help children learn and practice the correct pronunciation of the sounds [ж] and [ш]. In this notebook, children, together with the interesting characters of the book, go on an exciting journey into the world of language and sounds.

In addition, the notebook encourages children to look around and name what they see, which promotes speech and language acquisition. He encourages children to be attentive and curious, promising them an exciting journey into the world of language and sounds.

This workbook was produced with the funds of an institutional support grant, which emphasizes its importance in the development of speech and pronunciation skills in children. Thanks to this edition, children will be able to effectively improve their speech and articulation skills, expand their vocabulary and learn the correct pronunciation of the sounds [ж] and [ш].

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