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Stand "Radiation and chemical reconnaissance"

SKU: 353549388

School stand "Radiation and chemical reconnaissance"
The purpose of the educational stand on radiation and chemical safety is an accessible illustration for schoolchildren of the following important topics:

Definition of RHC intelligence.
Features and tasks of radiation, chemical and bacteriological reconnaissance.
Devices used for reconnaissance (dosimeters, radiometers, gas analyzers and others).
Different types of personal protective equipment for reconnaissance: protective suits and respiratory protection equipment (GP-5, GP-7, GP-9, RSh-4, L-1, 33K).
Informative table with the measuring range of DP 5-B.
Features of the RHC intelligence stand for the security class
The content of the "Radiation and Chemical Intelligence" stand corresponds to the current curriculum in Ukrainian schools.

The stand is made of high-quality, wear-resistant, harmless to health materials. Reliable construction, sufficient size, light weight, universal design and clear image - all this makes this stand really useful for students to master complex topics of chemical, radiation and bacteriological reconnaissance while observing safety rules.

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Stock In stock
Price 2155.00
SKU 353549388
Name Stand "Radiation and chemical exploration"
Section Radiation and chemical safety
Additional sections Klas bezpeky, Radiation and chemical safety
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