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Shadow theatre - a set of characters for 4 fairy tales "Dereza the Goat", "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Kolobok" MENTAL

SKU: а83535492822690

Shadow theatre - a set of characters for 4 fairy tales "Dereza the Goat", "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Kolobok" MENTAL

Shadow theatre is a unique way of performing fairy tales by projecting shadows on a special screen. You will need a table, a table lamp, characters and scenery. Place the screen on the table, position the lamp so that it illuminates it from below, fix the characters and scenery in the slots of the screen, and then move them according to the story. This exciting process develops your child's role-playing, imagination and attention span.

Box size: 41x37x3.7 mm.

Character size: from 7 cm to 19 cm.

Number of elements: 23.

Made of wood.

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Stock In stock
Price 806.00
SKU а83535492822690
Name Shadow theatre - a set of characters for 4 fairy tales "Dereza the Goat", "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Kolobok" MENTAL
Section Screens and corners for kindergarten theaters
Additional sections Preschool and early education, Development of senses, Development of emotional and social maturity, Visual perception, Auditory perception, Illustrations, Emotional development , Development of visual perception in children, Development of auditory perception in children
We are working MENTAL

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