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Organizer for children's room MENTAL for 6 containers

SKU: 3535492849

Organizer for children's room MENTAL for 6 containers

The organizer for 6 containers is a practical and stylish accessory for the children's room, which helps to store and organize various objects and toys of your child. Each container has enough space to store small toys, books, constructors or other things that need order.

Thanks to its compact design and color solution, the organizer will be a great addition to any interior of a children's room. In addition, it helps to teach the child the skills of organization and responsibility for his things.

The convenient design allows you to easily choose the necessary items and put them back after use, which helps to keep the room tidy. This organizer is an integral part of any children's room, where each thing has its own place, and your child can easily find everything he needs.

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Stock In stock
Price 2100.00
SKU 3535492849
Name Organizer for children's room MENTAL for 6 containers
Section Arrangement of kindergarten rooms
Additional sections Kindergarten
We are working MENTAL

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