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Explosive Items Set

SKU: 353549417

Set "Explosive objects": security class
A ready-made set of educational equipment is the best option for equipping a safety class in a modern Ukrainian school. You are guaranteed to receive high-quality, modern educational equipment, brought to full compliance with the current requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the curriculum.

Equipment for mine safety lessons
This kit contains everything necessary for students to learn the basic rules of handling explosive objects - from educational models imitating real explosive objects to informative school stands.

We included the following equipment recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture as part of the "Explosive objects" set:

Anti-tank educational mine;
Anti-personnel mine training;
A set of imitation and training grenades 6 pcs.;
Stand "Caution! Explosive objects" (60*80 cm).
We also remind you that if necessary, we can supplement or change the configuration - contact the manager

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Stock In stock
Price 15350.00
SKU 353549417
Name Explosive Items Set
Section Mine safety
We are working MENTAL

The delivery time for goods in stock is 1-3 working days.

The term of delivery of goods - production to order, is 3 - 21 working days.


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