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Magnetic guide "Police"

SKU: 353549427

Magnetic manual "Police" for school
The educational guide with magnetic fasteners will be useful for learning and an interesting element of the safety class for children's leisure time.

Requirements for the magnetic guide "Police"
The contents of this training manual for the safety class are as follows:

canvas measuring 60x80 cm for fastening - in the form of a police station;
figurines of policemen, thieves and ordinary passers-by for attachment to the base.
With the help of a variety of figurines, students together with the teacher will be able to simulate various life situations and learn useful rules of behavior in emergency situations in a game format. In addition, thanks to the elements of the manual, the teacher will be able to use examples to explain to children the peculiarities of police work and the rules for calling the police in various situations.

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Stock In stock
Price 1675.00
SKU 353549427
Name Magnetic guide "Police"
Section Life Safety
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