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Speech therapy cards No. 1 "Sounds and word structure" MENTAL

SKU: 3535493050

Speech therapy cards No. 1 "Sounds and word structure" MENTAL

We offer a special set of didactic materials designed to identify and correct speech problems in children. This set contains colored picture cards with interesting tasks aimed at the development of sound and compositional analysis and synthesis, examination of auditory attention, memory and phonemic processes, as well as checking the grammatical and lexical structure of the child's speech.

Each guide contains 30 color cards that can be cut into separate sheets (4 on each page), as well as 2 pages of supplementary materials and a 16-page how-to guide. These materials are designed to work with preschoolers and younger schoolchildren and will help identify and eliminate speech defects, prepare the child for further successful learning of reading and writing.

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Stock In stock
Price 523.00
SKU 3535493050
Name Speech therapy cards No. 1 "Sounds and word structure" MENTAL
Section Speech therapy means
Additional sections Educational tools, Preschool and early education, Teaching aids, Kindergarten, Emotional and social development, Home study, Aids for learning letters and reading, Speech therapy means, Educational tools for home study, Alphabet, Speech therapy means
We are working MENTAL

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