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Children's game store MENTAL

SKU: 3535493167

Children's game store MENTAL

Children's play store MENTAL is an exciting set that allows your child to immerse himself in the world of store business and develop his skills in the game.

This set includes a miniature store with a cash register, shelves for products, shopping baskets and other details to help create the atmosphere of a real store.

With the help of this set, your child will be able to feel like a seller or a buyer, choose goods, put them in a basket, count money, serve customers and much more.

Playing in the store helps develop a child's imagination, creativity, logical thinking and social skills. It stimulates the child to interact, promotes the development of speech and teaches him the basics of financial literacy.

Children's game store MENTAL is a great way not only to entertain a child, but also to teach him important life skills and abilities.

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Stock In stock
Price 3886.00
SKU 3535493167
Name Children's game store MENTAL
Section Furniture equipment
Additional sections Furniture equipment , Kindergarten, Arrangement of kindergarten rooms, Chairs for kindergarten, Tables and desks for kindergarten
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