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Respondent's console TurningTechnologies RFC-03 MENTAL

SKU: а83535492822656

Respondent's console TurningTechnologies RFC-03 MENTAL

The ResponseCard RF - LCD is a radio frequency voting remote control with a built-in LCD display and 12 keys. It works at a distance of up to 60 metres and is programmable. The remote control provides two-way communication and is powered by a CR 2032 battery. Its dimensions are 8.4 x 5.3 x 0.8 cm. It is important to note that the price of the remote control does not include the cost of the software licence.

Licence principle: Online, with support for mobile devices or offline, without support for mobile devices
Number of answer options: 10

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Stock In stock
Price 1903.00
SKU а83535492822656
Name Respondent's console TurningTechnologies RFC-03 MENTAL
Section Multimedia equipment, IT
Additional sections Multimedia equipment, IT, Multimedia equipment, Multimedia, Multimedia, Middle and high school, Projectors, visualizers and accessories, Projectors and visualizers, Multimedia accessories
We are working MENTAL

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