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Balancer eight MENTAL

SKU: 3535492853

Balancer eight MENTAL

This simulator is designed for the development of balance in children and adolescents. The use of the balancer promotes the development of dexterity, perseverance, coordination and hand stability in younger users.

It can also be used to study the concepts of "right" and "left", as well as other aspects of physical development. The special feature of this balancer is its double-sided nature: when you buy one balancer, you get two, which makes it a profitable option for training with a partner or in a group.

Size: 38*19 cm

Complete set:
bilateral field
glass ball - 1 pc
metal ball - 2 pcs

Material: Birch plywood

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Stock In stock
Price 270.00
SKU 3535492853
Name Balancer eight MENTAL
Section Hand massage
Additional sections Preschool and early education, Teaching aids, Kindergarten, Development of senses, Development of logical thinking and memory, Tactile perception, Hand motor skills
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